
Tracking student engagement and metrics

Courseau lets you see general engagement metrics in the Analytics panel. Through the Courseau dashboard, you can see:

  • Total views

  • Total unique visitors

  • Number of times a course is completed

  • How often quiz questions were wrong/right/skipped

  • Number of visitors in the last 30 days (graph)

To access this view, find the 3-dot menu at the top right of your screen and click [analytics].

Where's the individualized student data?

Notice that Courseau does not track individual student records, ie. who completed what. That's because we do not currently collect student data for privacy reasons. To track this information on a more granular level, you'll need to use a learning management system (LMS).

What's an LMS?

LMS's (learning management systems) are used by organizations to help visualize test scores, learner engagement, assign training, and more, and are integral for serious training needs.

What's SCORM?

SCORM is the most common e-learning standard, acting as a bridge between e-learning content like ours and LMS's. It organizes learners and their information, allowing the LMS to track specific user metrics.

Courseau offers a SCORM 1.2 export, the most recent version available.

To use a Courseau-created course to an LMS, download the SCORM 1.2 package and follow instructions on the LMS's platform to upload.

Not all LMS's are SCORM compliant. Here's a list of top SCORM-compliant LMS's.

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